Did you know...

The Water Improvement District Office is open year round. Our summer hours are Monday thru Friday 8 am until 2 pm. Our winter hours are by appointment. Messages and email are regularly monitored during the winter. We are closed for major holidays.

You will be charged our base rate of $40.00 per month plus tax and any water used. Your base rate will be more if you have larger pipes in your residence.

Meters are read and billed monthly May through October.

In the October billing you will be charged for 7 months of base rate ($40.00 per month plus tax) October thru April.

We do not send out bills November thru April, but weather permitting, we read the meters. If we see something that seems odd on the readings, if we have your current contact information, we will contact you. Please be sure that we have a good phone number and email on file.

Do not turn the meter water valve (curb stop) off or on. If you do and any damage done you will be charged for the call out and the replacement or repair. Only turn your water valve off or on.

Any damage or leaks from the meter to the home is the homeowner’s responsibility. From the water meter out is the responsibility of the Water Improvement District.

If you see a leak or what may be a leak near the street or common area, please let us know. If you see water coming from a neighbor’s home, give us a call, we will check it out.

The White Mountain Country Club, White Mountain Summer Homes Association, and WMSH-Water Improvement District are three separate entities within the community. We have separate offices, Board of Directors, and employees. Below is the contact information for each company.


WMSH-Water Improvement District                                        White Mountain Summer Homes Association

Contact: Robin Thompson                                                                Contact: Danni Durham

2950 Aspen Loop                                                                                   P.O. Box 230

Pinetop, AZ 85935                                                                                Pinetop, AZ 85935

928-367-0614                                                                                         928-367-4103

Email: wmshwater@wmshwid.com                                             Email: danni@wmsha.com

Website: wmshwid.com                                                                      Website: wmsha.com


White Mountain Country Club

Contact: James Hildebrand

P.O. Box 1489

Pinetop, AZ 85935

Email: James@wmccpinetop.com

Website: wmccpinetop.com

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